Record Breakers at the Olympic Games


Record Breakers at the Olympic Games

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SKU: 9781804536452 Categories: ,


Author: Rob Walker
Format: Hardback
Publication date: 28/05/2024
ISBN: 9781804536452

Record Breakers at the Olympic Games celebrates the best records, achievements and stories in the history of the modern summer Olympic Games.

Comprehensive in scope, the book features record performances in every sport and discipline since Athens 1896, and highlights the jawdropping efforts and dramatic moments that make up the Games tapestry of tales. Additonally, the book charts new sporting additions, such as skateboarding and rock-climbing, which have attracted a new legion of young fans. There is also a section devoted to the Paralympics, citing the stars and star performances that have propelled the profile of the Paralympic movement in modern times. This is a perfect guide for young fans in the run up to the Paris Games in 2024.

Additional information

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 280 × 216 mm


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