Spotty the Zebra


Spotty the Zebra

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SKU: 9781775438137 Category:


Author: Millett, Peter
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 01/07/2024
ISBN: 9781775438137

Can Spotty the Zebra learn to embrace life without stripes? \”Just look at my patterns, \” poor Spotty declared. \”The other young zebras all tease and compare. I’m tired of being different and not fitting in. I want to have regular, stripe-patterned skin.\” Spotty the zebra is tired of standing out in a crowd. Sick of being teased, Spotty asks a porcupine to paint her spots into stripes. Finally, she feels the same as everyone else … but finds that conformity doesn’t bring the happiness she seeks. In the desert, she meets a wise golden mole, who tells her, \”You’ll only be happy when you accept you.\”

Additional information

Dimensions 250 × 240 mm


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