Root Leaf Flower Fruit


Root Leaf Flower Fruit

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SKU: 9781776921164 Categories: ,


Author: Bill Nelson
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 14/09/2023
ISBN: 9781776921164

A woman lies helpless after a stroke, her family gathered. Her grandson, healing slowly from a head injury after coming o! his bike, takes leave from his job and family to prepare her rundown house and farm for sale. As he works, he sifts through what remains of his grandmother’s daily life. \”en, after an auction result for which he was not prepared, and echoing her desperate #ight years earlier, his uncertain return leads to a haunting and unguessable destination. Root Leaf Flower Fruit is a verse novel about slow time – the turning of the seasons, the farming of land, the generations of a family – and about sudden, devastating interruptions.


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