Our Lady of Apollo Bay


Our Lady of Apollo Bay

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Author: Janine Burke
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Antiquarian Books
ISBN: A8378

Mickey Cunningham wants to be a journalist. She’s ambitious and smart, and she’s already talked her way into a part-time job at one of Melbourne’s top newspapers while she’s finishing her journalism degree. Even so, she’s stunned when Des, her editor, offers her a feature article. At Apollo Bay a fifteen-year-old girl called Julie Sheehan says that Our Lady has appeared to her in a vision. Mickey knows Apollo Bay well. It was there, three years ago, that she discovered she was pregnant and made the decision to have an abortion. Mickey has never dealt with the trauma of it, never allowed herself to grieve. And she has never been back to Apollo Bay. By accepting the assignment, she accepts a painful journey into her past. In Apollo Bay, Mickey forms strong and often difficult relationships as she tries to untangle truth from lies.


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