Journal of Urgent Writing 2016


Journal of Urgent Writing 2016

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SKU: 9780994130068 Category:


Author: Nicola Legat
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 01/11/2016
ISBN: 9780994130068

GREAT MINDS SHARE GREAT IDEAS AND STRONG VIEWSA better-quality national conversation? Conducted by clever people who know a thing ortwo? You’re holding it in your hands.From the state of our rivers and our justice system to a new way to fight obesity and howa farmer discovered our unknown warrior in a field in France, this collection of provocative,impassioned essays by smart thinkers will tune up your intellectual engine.This is an annual journal of passionate and argumentative essays is made for anyone whothinks there’s little to stimulate intelligent, well-informed debate in the media anymore,and for those who hunger for some brain food.F EATURING: Dan Salmon on tuna * Paul McDonald on the places you’ll go * Mike Joyon river radicalism * David Hall on green growth * James Chapman and William Tunmeron why kids can’t read * Wayne Barrar on diatoms * Ridvan Firestone on obesity * MikeGrimshaw on Christchurch * Richard Shaw on why the kids don’t vote * Kerry Taylor onspies * Claire Robinson on grey hair * Peter Meihana on Maori privilege * Krushil Wateneon water ownership * Jeff McNeill on Messines * Chris Gallavin on murder * Teena BrownPulu on being Pasifika and Maori * Jarrod Gilbert on gangs, lies and statistics * PaulaMorris on a road-end in Denmark * Paul Thomas on shallowness * David Slack on themelancholy of sixty-something.


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