Capturing the Light


Capturing the Light

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SKU: 9780992245719 Category:


Author: Brian Miller
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 01/10/2016
ISBN: 9780992245719

The book focuses on New Zealand windows with particular attention to Roy Miller and the Miller Studio. Dunedin’s prosperity after the 19th Century gold rushes attracted many artists, including stained glass artists, whose works still grace many fine houses around Dunedin. Some pages are devoted to these influential early players, such as John Brock and also Robert Fraser, who eventually passed on his skills to Roy Miller. Roy mainly used three designers, Frederick Ellis in Dunedin, Kenneth Bunton in England, and Beverley Shore Bennett in Wellington. Their window designs are presented chronologically and reveal their different styles. The author also provides techniques for protecting and conserving stained glass windows for the future.


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