Finding My Virginity The New Autobiography


Finding My Virginity The New Autobiography

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SKU: 9780753560112 Category:


Author: Richard Branson
Format: Paperback
Publication date: 21/02/2023
ISBN: 9780753560112

Richard Branson’s Losing My Virginity shared the outrageous tale of how he built Virgin from a student magazine into one of the greatest brands in history. No challenge was too daunting, no opportunity too outlandish to pursue. And each new adventure started with five simple words: ‘Screw it, let’s do it.’Now, fifty years after starting his first business, Branson shares the candid details of a lifetime of triumphs and failures and what he really thinks about his unique life and career. Finding My Virginity is an intimate look at his never-ending quest to push boundaries, break rules, and seek new frontiers – even after launching a dozen billion-dollar businesses and hundreds of other companies.

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Dimensions 198 × 126 × 31 mm


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